Carbonix Featured in StartUp Daily and AusBis

Following the feature in the Australian Financial Review, some more interest was picked up by the Australian press. Here is an interview with Founder and CTO Dario Valenza (the segment starts at 9min 20sec): And companion article:

Carbonix Featured in the Australian Financial Review

Carbonix recognised by the Australian Financial Review on occasion of some significant milestones for the business. For more than 65 years The Australian Financial Review has been the authority on business, finance and investment news in Australia. It has a reputation for independent, award-winning journalism and is essential reading for Australia’s business and investor community. […]

Carbonix Partners with Honeywell to add Satellite Connectivity

Honeywell identifies Domani as the leading craft to integrate its new small form-factor airborne satellite communication hub. Radio communication range is a limiting factor for efficient fixed-wing drones. Carbonix already offers a mesh radio network that can practically extend range. But where such infrastructure can’t be put in place, satellite connectivity is the only alternative. […]

Parallels Between Drones Today and the PC in the ’70s

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak took an interest in the Carbonix Volanti VTOL RPAS at a recent tech community event.. Fascinating to hear him relate how the current rapid development in UAV technology “must feel like” the early days of the PC. Those directly involved had an inkling of the potential this new technology promised, but […]